about capi2name
capi2name is a suite to visualize incoming calls on a capi capable isdn adapter. It consists of two parts:
- the capi listener, that listens on the capi interface for incoming calls and writes these data to a mysql database.
- the lamp webinterface, that is based on a mysql database and a php frontend.
my contribution
- the design and backend for the homepage of capi2name.de
- the interface to capisuite (an other capi interface listener with answerphone but without web fontend)
some help informations
capisuite interface
HowTo use capisuite with the capi2name webinterface:
- install and configure capisuite. have a look at the capisuite homepage for further details. if it is working, the first stage if reached.
- extract the capi2name archiv. copy the ./capi2name- files to the webservers directory like its descriped on the capi2name homepage and install the database. you do not need to compile anything from the capi2name archiv.
- edit the config.inc.php: set $config[‚capisuite‘] = „yes“;
- now you have to do some changes:
- in capisuite/daemon/contrib/capisuite/ you find a diff for /usr/lib/capisuite/incoming.py. this must be applied. an example incoming.py can be found at openwww.org.
- the file capisuite/daemon/contrib/capisuite/capi2name.pl must be copied to /usr/lib/capisuite.
- make sure all directories below /var/spool/capisuite are readable and executable for the webserver. (rx tags)
- the username on capi2name must be the same as the system user, who can read the fax and messages from capisuite.
- to view fax easily online you have to install sff2mix. the sources can be found here
Thats it!